Business consultation on energy and environmental issues

Consulting in Energy and Environmental Management

We are all Managers ...

Often ridiculed, but still a kernel of truth.

In order to systematically view and improve corporate processes, regular management is required.

Based on the international standards ISO 50001 and ISO 14001 as well as the EMAS regulation, we provide you with a solid framework for this.

Experience Value:

With 300 employees, each standard requires an internal effort of one 1/3 position (FTE), or about 70 working days per year.

Currently, we are dealing with, among others:

  • Project management of meter installation for energy and media including coordination of service providers on site
  • Adaptation of EnMS to the new standard requirements according to ISO 50001:2018
  • Preparation of fireplace register incl. official requirements, incorporation of new limit values from the 44th BImSchV

Packages (Selection): Consulting in Energy and Environmental Management

Package B1

Workshop on energy assessment according to ISO 50001 and ISO 50006

  • Verification of the identified significant energy uses (SEU)
  • Normalisation of energy consumption data and energy performance indicators (EnPI) by static and variable influencing factors
  • Appropriate integration into and preparation of the client's Excel spreadsheets
  • Knowledge transfer on the procedure so that normalisations can be carried out independently by the customer in the following years

from 990 €* /day

Package B2

Internal auditing or environmental audit/environmental audit by a qualified management auditor

  • Carrying out an internal system audit/ environmental audit in accordance with ISO 14001/EMAS III or ISO 50001
  • Carrying out an environmental assessment in accordance with EMAS III Annex 1
  • Preparation of the audit day schedule according to the client's audit programme
  • Summary of the audit results in an audit report

from 1.485 €* /day

Package B3

Process audits on the known environmental aspects according to ISO 14001

  • Review of existing company processes as well as procedural requirements of external (legal, regulatory, etc.) and internal origin, taking into account the product life cycle.
  • Waste management
  • (Waste) water management
  • Energy conversion and consumption
  • Hazardous substances management
  • Product transport including packaging, storage and use of products and their end-of-life treatment
  • a.o.

from 1.595 €* /day

*) Net price plus additional costs. Additional costs can include travel costs, accommodation costs, material costs for seminar documents, etc.

Integrating Energy Efficiency into the Corporate Culture

The successful implementation and maintenance of an energy management system according to ISO 50001 supports the improvement culture in your company with regard to energy-related performance, which depends on the commitment of all levels of the company, especially that of the management. Often, this sets in motion a culture change within your company, driven by employees.

Revision of Energy Management Systems

Since the revision of ISO 50001:2018, the focus in the ISO 50000 series of standards has increasingly been on the consideration of the significant energy inputs (SEU), the associated energy performance indicators (EnPI), and the related energy targets. We have always supported our customers in the implementation of coherent and meaningful EnPIs and also consider relevant influencing factors, e.g. by means of regression analysis (according to ISO 50006).

However, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in particular often do not have the necessary capacities to address these issues to the required extent. With the energy monitoring software Energy Monitor, OPTENDA offers the necessary data basis for the precise analysis of energy consumption, broken down in detail into the individual energy sources such as electricity, gas, water, compressed air, etc. Data collection and evaluation is automated, replacing the manual effort of meter reading. The data is clearly displayed in the software, making it easier to identify the energy efficiency potential of the SME and to document savings successes in a verifiable manner.

Environmental Management Systems as an Expression of Corporate Sustainability

Societal expectations of environmental transparency and accountability, as well as increasingly stringent legislation, are driving companies to want to contribute to sustainability. Systems such as ISO 14001 or EMAS (Eco-Management and Audit Scheme) enable companies to make this contribution and ensure long-term compliance with legal regulations and requirements. In addition, the expectations of customers, partners, shareholders and shareholders are recognised and met, which sharpens the sustainability strategy and improves environmental performance.

Our company offers you comprehensive advice on how to implement a successful environmental management system. We support you from the as-is analysis to the preparation of the environmental management system documentation and accompany you during the ISO 14001 and EMAS audits. In addition, we offer expert advice on important topics such as waste management, (waste) water management, energy conversion and consumption, emissions and release of energy (noise, light, etc.), hazardous materials management or product transport including packaging, storage and use of products and their end-of-life treatment, consumption of raw materials and natural resources, land use as well as emergency preparedness and hazard prevention.

Trust in the competence of our environmental management experts, who have extensive experience and are at your side to introduce and optimise your environmental management system."

Do you have any questions or would you like to make an appointment?

Contact us

What is the sum of 7 and 3?


Bayrische Str. 8
01069 Dresden

+49 (0) 351 8287 406 0

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Hendrikje Schubert

Tel:+49 (0) 351 8287 406 0