Business consultation on energy and environmental issues

Energy Audit According to DIN 16247-1

After the Energy Audit is Before the Audit ...

According to the Energy Services Act (EDL-G), medium-sized and large companies based in the Federal Republic of Germany are obliged to provide evidence of regular energy audit activities. One possibility is an energy audit according to DIN 16247-1.

Experience Value:

An implementation period of 6 months is realistic.

Since 2015, our energy auditors Hendrikje Schubert and Felix Berlin have audited 40 companies from the following sectors:

  • Manufacturing industry
  • Waste
  • Social Services
  • Information and communication
  • Energy supply
  • Land and real estate

Packages (Selection): Energy Audit According to DIN 16247-1

Package A1

Energy audit according to DIN 16247-1 by a qualified energy auditor

  • Energy consumption > 0.5 GWh/a
  • 1 Production site
  • 1 Administrative location

from 4.950 €*

Package A2

Energy audit according to DIN 16247-1 by a qualified energy auditor

  • Energy consumption > 5.0 GWh/a
  • 2 production sites
  • 1 Administrative location

from 6.215 €*

Package A3

Energy audit according to DIN 16247-1 by a qualified energy auditor

  • Energy consumption > 10.0 GWh/a
  • 3 production sites
  • 1 Administrative location
  • 1 Additional company location (warehouse, customer centre, etc.)

from 7.535 €*

*) Net price plus additional costs. Additional costs can include travel costs, accommodation costs, material costs for seminar documents, etc.

Energy Audit According to DIN 16247-1 as a Functional Instrument

An energy audit in accordance with DIN 16247-1 is a functional instrument for identifying measures to increase energy efficiency and reduce energy costs without tying up capacities over a long period of time. The systematic and structured determination of the areas in which your company consumes how much energy makes it possible to identify where there is potential for savings. DIN 16247-1 formulates the requirements for the audit process to ensure a high-quality energy audit.

First Energy Audit 2015

From §§ 8-8d EDL-G, 05.12.2015 was the compliance date for the first energy audit for medium and large enterprises. The third commitment period and the associated repeat audits are already in full swing. At least every four years after completion of the initial audit, an energy audit must be carried out using auditors with the appropriate qualifications and accreditation to ensure that they are acting in accordance with the legal requirements and standards.

Review by the Federal Office of Economics and Export Control

The BAFA (Federal Office of Economics and Export Control) is charged with the random inspection of energy audits and the provision of a public list of persons authorized to perform energy audits (energy auditor list). These persons must have the required qualification according to § 8b EDL-G. You can find our listing under provider number 1089935 as well as auditor number 209018 at the Bundesstelle für Energieeffizienz

Do you have any questions or would you like to make an appointment?

Contact us

Please add 6 and 5.


Bayrische Str. 8
01069 Dresden

+49 (0) 351 8287 406 0

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Hendrikje Schubert

Tel:+49 (0) 351 8287 406 0