Training and web seminars on energy and environmental topics
Hendrikje Schubert

Do you have any questions or would you like to make an appointment?

Contact us. We look forward to your call.

Hendrikje Schubert

Tel:+49 (0) 351 8287 406 0


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Training and Web Seminars on Energy and Environmental Topics

If you Want to Move the World, you Should First Move Yourself ...

Trainings bring new input, there is something for everyone.

Whether on statistical data analysis of energy (key) figures, project management or energy and environmental technology topics, we are happy to train you.

Experience Value:

Medium-sized companies invest about 5 person-days a year in training for their management system-relevant personnel.

Current trainings offered by us include:

  • DIN EN 17463 Proof of the economic efficiency of energy-related measures (net present value method, requirement according to BECV)
  • ISO 50005 Phased implementation of an energy management system
  • ISO 50001 / DIN 16247-1 How to carry out profitability calculations correctly
  • 44th BImSchV New limit values and measurement specifications

Packages (Selection): Training and Web Seminars

Package C1

Web seminar from the range of topics of ISO 14001 and ISO 50001

  • Duration 3 units (1 unit á 45 min)
  • 10 internal participants
  • Handing out the presentation documents in PDF format
  • Certificate of attendance as PDF

from 825 €*

Package C2

Classroom training on the range of topics of ISO 14001 and ISO 50001

  • Duration 3 units (1 unit á 45 min)
  • 20 internal participants
  • Handing out the presentation documents in PDF format
  • Certificate of attendance as PDF

from 990 €*

Package C3

Scoping workshop for the preparation of an Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) with 3 consultants (1 for data collection, 1 for modeling, 1 for EPD report)

  • Input on the requirements for environmental labelling and Type III Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs according to ISO 14025)
  • Factory tour with survey of relevant processing procedures, creation of a rough process image
  • Definition of system boundaries and functional unit
  • Data requirements and data quality, limitations
  • Coordination of how to proceed

from 3.035 €*

*) Net price plus additional costs. Additional costs can include travel costs, accommodation costs, material costs for seminar documents, etc.

Packages Form

Dear customer,
as soon as we have received your inquiry, we will contact you within three days to clarify the details regarding the date of execution, content-related questions and further requests. Only then will you receive a binding order confirmation from us about the agreed conditions tailored to you.

Please calculate 6 plus 6.

Statistical Data Analysis According to ISO 50006

One topic in particular drives many companies with an existing energy management system according to ISO 50001: The specific requirements for statistical data analysis, which are also detailed in the accompanying ISO 50006 standard. We will be happy to support you in developing an individual solution tailored to your company's situation. For this purpose, basic training courses for a broader audience as well as in-depth training courses for the employees who are responsible for energy data and its processing in your company are suitable.

Increase Transparency with EnEffCo®

EnEffCo Logo

We deliberately use the EnEffCo® tool in our training courses. It enables the transparent presentation of large amounts of data and the visualization of the training material. Forward-looking energy management and the use of professional tools are essential for those responsible for managing plants and processes and systematically increasing energy efficiency in the company. EnEffCo® is a software solution developed from practice for practice for holistic energy efficiency controlling. Energy data can be systematically recorded, monitored and evaluated at plant and process level.

Dates of Trainings and Web Seminars

If you have any questions, or if a particular training topic that would be of interest to your company in-house or as a web seminar is not listed, please feel free to contact me at any time.

At the moment there are no events. Inquiries about in-house training courses and web seminars are welcome at any time.

Do you have any questions or would you like to make an appointment?

Contact us

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Bayrische Str. 8
01069 Dresden - Germany

+49 (0) 351 8287 406 0